
joi, 4 septembrie 2014

What is a #hashtag?

A hash-tag is a symbol, # (better known as the shortening for “number”).  “Shift+3” on your keyboard gives this symbol but it should be immediately followed by a word or a phrase.

How does it work?

It is a search engine device on a social networking service; an advanced search that offers a better outcome of the content you've been looking for.

Why should I use it?

It helps you find more and relevant information. You can also mark some keywords in your posts.

Where do I use it?

You enter it in the search bar before the word/topic you want to search or before a post title.

My opinion

They should find another way. It’s kind of annoying to see all that ###### on everybody’s wall as if all of them slipped their fingers on the keyboard at the same time. It’s maybe a fashion-item of the moment.

Do you use it?

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